Vounteer With Us

We are looking for volunteers to help us achieve our vision 2030 WordPress Goals. We need:

  • General Volunteers, volunteering what skill and or time they are able to
  • Facilitators (online and offline), WP course creators (and translators) to help with targeted content that can be used at programs at the hub physcially, and online.
  • Fundraising volunteers, people who can help us raise funds to set us on the path to achieving our goals
  • Video Editors to help with making and editing our courses
  • Photographers and Videographers to help us with covering our programs, events, and coordination of live streaming when needed. Also to help with recording sessions in programs that can be re-watched and used at programs

Help us achieve our goals! Fill in the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Thank you.

We appreciate your time in writing to us. Please tell us what role you would like to help us with, and why you would want to volunteer with us.
You can share a link to your most active social media handle or website with us, please
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